![]() Water is vital to the existence of all living things. Catching and storing rainwater has been a survival tactic for thousands of years. What are some benefits of catching rainwater in our day and time? How can we catch rain and use it for our well being? Let’s consider the answers to those questions in this blog post. Firstly, if you plan on a good amount of rainwater “catch” you’ll need something big enough to store it all in. A rainwater barrel, tarp, water well, or cistern are used by many. Then there are those beautiful rainwater chains and gardens that are becoming very popular. Have a system in place that will allow rain to be diverted from the roof of your home to the select place where you will be storing your rainwater for use.
There are of course a few things to be cautious of. It not likely to happen but disease can sometimes develop in this water if it is left untouched for a period of time. Additionally, as time goes on, the bacteria in the water will die and actually naturally help to purify the water for use. By using rainwater it can reduce the amount of water actually used by the water company. We all love cutting down on costs when possible. Patience is needed when catching rainwater. It will take some time for the water to fill up your catcher. Hope for rain, although it’s difficult to predict the weather patterns. Just know that having a catcher in place will be a great investment for when the rain does come.
Would you consider your home clean even if it’s cluttered?
While all of us might define cluttered and clean differently, some are very bothered by clutter others not so much. Whatever the case, there are lots of good reasons to live clutter-free. Our everyday life is definitely affected by clutter, and if you are looking to sell your home it will make a big difference if the home is not only clean but clutter-free as well. A major reason for living clutter-free is so that you can clean your home effectively. This is especially important in areas like the attic and garage where mice, bugs, and other pests can take up dwelling. When your home is clutter-free it’s much easier to find unwanted intruders and clean thoroughly. Can a clean yet cluttered home make an impact when you are selling your home? Unfortunately, it will have a negative influence. A prospective buyer won’t see the full potential of the home and you may not get the interest you could have received. In addition, a home filled with clutter is not as appealing to the senses. In order to ensure an open house that is successful and draws lots of potential buyers, declutter the home first and then clean it well. You would never want to give the impression that you have no storage room or your home lacks the space for storing things properly. When you live clutter-free your home can always be impressive to others at any time. |
AuthorMike McFadden, Company Owner & Certified Master Home Inspector Archives
August 2024
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